Change ad­dress and e-mail

Any change of address must be notified immediately.

Stu­dents of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

All personal data in the library account is maintained by the Student Secretariat. If changes are required, please contact the University Service Centre. Your university email address is thus automatically stored in our lending system and cannot be changed. However, you can arrange for it to be forwarded to your private email address via the ZIM Service Portal.

Em­ploy­ees of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

All personal data (name, date of birth, address) in the library account is maintained by the University's Human Resources Department. If changes to the above data are required, please contact the University Personnel Department.

Your university e-mail address is automatically stored in our lending system and cannot be changed. However, you can arrange for it to be forwarded to your private email address via the ZIM service portal.

All oth­er users

Please have your new address updated in the library at the Local Lending Desk. You can change your e-mail address via the catalogue in your library account .