Interlibrary loan
Please log in to DigiBib with your library card number and password.
-> Registration Interlibrary Loan (DigiBib hbz)
- Login: Library card number and password are identical with those of your registration in the catalogue of the UB Paderborn.
- Scope: Procurement of books, articles from collected editions and complete volumes of periodicals (usually only volumes before 1990) from German libraries.
- Delivery: Orders can be collected from the library counter of the Local Lending Department for 14 days.
- Collection : Mondays to Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Delivery time: approx. 1-2 weeks (you will be notified).
- Costs: 1,50 Euro regardless of the success of an order. Details see below.
For more information, see 'Frequently Asked Questions about Interlibrary Loan for Books and Sections from Books (FAQs)'.
Please log in to the digital library with your library card number and password.
-> Registration Interlibrary Loan (DigiBib hbz)
- Login: Library card number and password are identical with those of your registration in the catalogue of the UB Paderborn.
- Scope: Procurement of journal articles from German libraries.
- Delivery: as paper copy for self-collection at the UB (for employees of the university delivery by internal mail is possible).
- Delivery time: approx. 1-2 weeks (you will be notified).
- Costs: 1,50 Euro regardless of the success of an order. See below for details.
For more information, see 'Frequently asked questions about interlibrary loan for journal articles (FAQs)'.
On the basis of the Regulations on Interlibrary Loan in the Federal Republic of Germany (Leihverkehrsordnung - LVO) (circular of the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing, Culture and Sport of 08 March 2004), an interlibrary loan in the national interlibrary loan system is subject to a charge.
In accordance with the decree of the MIWFT of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia of 8 June 2005, an order fee of 1.50 euros is charged for each order, which is automatically entered into the library account after the order has been successfully placed. For employees of the University who wish to be invoiced within the University, it is alternatively possible to invoice via transaction numbers (TANs). The TANs are sent by e-mail to on presentation of a form or issued at the counter of the Local Lending Desk - with a minimum purchase of 10.
The order fee is charged for every order, even if the delivery takes a long time or if no library from outside the library can carry out the order.
In cases of particularly high expenditure (e.g. copies of very extensive articles, colour copies) additional costs may be charged. In these cases, the interlibrary loan order will only be forwarded after you have given your consent for the costs to be covered. If the loan period is exceeded, the above-mentioned late fees will be charged in accordance with the Paderborn University Library's fee regulations.
If your order cannot be processed through national interlibrary loan because the desired title is not available in any German library, you have the option of using international interlibrary loan. The costs and delivery times for international interlibrary loans vary greatly. They depend on the respective lending library. The minimum charge for a delivery is 8.00 euros. For more information, please contact the staff of the Interlibrary Loan and Digitisation Department.