
Paderborn University Library
P.O. Box 16 21
33046 Paderborn

Phone: +49 5251 60-2047 (secretary's office)
Fax: +49 5251 60-3829


Overall responsibility:
Dr. Dietmar Haubfleisch, Executive Director of the University Library


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Please send an e-mail to


Web server

Web service of the Centre for In­form­a­tion and Me­dia Tech­no­logy Ser­vices (ZIM)



As we have no influence on the content and design of external internet offers, we hereby distance ourselves from the content of all pages linked by us. This declaration applies to all links and collections of links that currently exist or will exist in the future, as well as to lists of links generated through the use of Internet search services.



Users of the UB Paderborn are responsible for compliance with copyright regulations according to § 16 of the user regulations. This also applies to the contents offered by the UB via internet (databases, digital full texts, electronic doctoral dissertations, etc.). § Section 2 UrhG (protected works) and Section 53 UrhG (reproductions for private and other personal use) apply accordingly.


Copyright notice

Layout, graphics and texts on the web pages of the UB are protected by copyright. We refer to the legal copyright regulations.