Se­lec­ted bib­li­o­graphy on the his­tory of Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

  • Location research group: Development of the housing requirements of the university population at Paderborn University of Applied Sciences. Results report. Edited by Helmut Beiersmann, Manfred Bündgen, Heinrich Hansen, Werner Schramm, Wolfgang Speil with the collaboration of Klaus Fleischhauer and Dirk Meyhöfer Hanover 1973 (Institute for Regional Educational Planning - Manuscript Print No. 62).
  • Location research group: Basis for the location, capacity and structural planning of Paderborn University of Applied Sciences. Part 1 edited by Eberhard Bergjohann, Clemens Geißler, Manfred Hofmann, Heinrich Pohl and Ulrich Pohl, Part 2 edited by Christian Heichert, Hanover 1972 (Institut für regionale Bildungsplanung - Manuskriptdruck Nr. 42).
  • Blömeke, Sigrid and Hans-Georg Schwarz: 20 Jahre Universität-Gesamthochschule Paderborn. Eine Dokumentation zu Geschichte und Gegenwart, published by the Rectorate of Paderborn University, Paderborn 1993 - Digitalisat: Paderborn: Paderborn University Library, 2016:
  • Decking, Martin: Broder Carstensen 1972-1976, in: Peter Freese (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, pp. 16-25.
  • Fachbereich Agrarwirtschaft der Universität- Gesamthochschule Paderborn und der Verband der Susatia (Hrsg.): 75 Jahre Studium der Landwirtschaft in Soest 1923-1998. Von der Höhere Lehranstalt für praktische Landwirte zum Fachbereich Agrarwirtschaft der Paderborn University, Abt. Soest, Red. Werner Röper, Werl 1997.
  • Department of Environmental Engineering and Applied Computer Science (FB 8) and Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (FB 9) of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences (ed.): 150 Jahre HochschulStandort Höxter. Festschrift, Holzminden 2014.
  • Departments 10, 14 and 17 of Paderborn University (ed.): 25 Jahre Ingenieurausbildung in Paderborn. From the engineering school to the university 1963 - 1988. Editorial committee under the coordinating leadership of Rolf Rennhack, Paderborn University 1988.
  • Departments of the Soest Division of Paderborn University (ed.): Technik für mehr Lebensqualität. Engineering education through the ages. An exhibition of the Paderborn University, Soest Department, in the Soest District Hall. 11 October to 9 November 1990, edited by Jürgen Grüneberg and Angelika Knobloch, Soest 1990.
  • Minister of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Gesamthochschulen Nordrhein-Westfalen. Building report Paderborn. Edited by the Department for Public Relations in cooperation with the Central Planning Office for the Rationalisation of State Buildings (ZPL), Aachen, Paderborn n.d. [1978].
  • Fisch, Elisabeth and Hartmut Vollmer on behalf of the Rectorate of Paderborn University (ed.): Einblicke - Ausblicke. 25 years of Paderborn University, Paderborn 1998.
  • Association of Friends and Friends of the Paderborn University, Meschede Department e. V. (ed.): 25 years of engineering education in Meschede 1964-1989. ed. Monika Grahl, Heinz Schlenke and Wolfgang Tillner, Olsberg [1989].
  • Freese, Peter (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012.
  • Freese, Peter and Corinna Kenkel: Chronology of important events, in: Peter Freese (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012, pp. 90-97.
  • Paderborn University of Applied Sciences. Study guide of the University of Paderborn with departments Höxter, Meschede and Soest, Paderborn n.d. [1976]. [1976]. - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2014: https: //
  • Paderborn University of Applied Sciences (ed.): 15 Jahre Studiobühne der Gesamthochschule Paderborn. Editors: Hans-Jürgen Giller, Jürgen Görlach and Wolfgang Kühnhold. With programme 1960-1975, Paderborn [1975].
  • Hamann, Heinz: Ostwestfalens Leistungsentfaltung und Wiederbegründung seiner Universität in Paderborn. Eine landespolitische Aufgabe, [Paderborn] 1965 (Paderborner Beiträge zur Raumforschung, Raumpolitik, Raumsoziologie und Raumökonomik) - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2012:
  • Haupt, Johannes: School of Engineering. University of Applied Sciences. Gesamthochschule, in: Fragezeichen. Bildungspolitische Zeitschrift 28th issue, October 1971, pp. 32-37.
  • Hinrichs, Arp: 50 years of technical college studies in Soest. History and stories of a university location. Edited by the Rector of the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences Prof Dr Claus Schuster and the Association of Friends of the Soest University Campus e. V., Soest 2021.
  • Hof, Barbara Emma: Models: An implicit legacy of German cybernetic pedagogy. In: History of education. International journal for the historiography of education (IJHE) 6 (2016), pp. 75-90.
  • Hofmann, Manfred: Student numbers at a comprehensive university in Paderborn, in: Fragezeichen. Bildungspolitische Zeitschrift, 28th issue October 1971, pp. 43-48.
  • Hohmann, Klaus: The beginnings of academic teacher training in Paderborn in 1946, in: Die Warte. Local magazine for the districts of Paderborn and Höxter 172 (2016), pp. 33-36.
  • Ilievska, Alexandra: Art on the Paderborn University campus. Conception of an art guide. Bachelor thesis supervised by Prof Dr Jutta Ströter-Bender, Paderborn 2012.
  • Keyenburg, Hermann-Josef: The "School of Paderborn". Thoughts on the content, structure and art educational reference of the silo mural, in: Ders. (ed.): Kunstsilo mit den Fächern Kunst und Textilgestaltung der Universität-GH Paderborn. Opening exhibition of the subject areas of art and textile design 8.12. to 14.12.1986, Siegen 1986, pp. 7-14.
  • Klenke, Dietmar: Schwarz - Münster - Paderborn: Ein antikatholisches Klischeebild, Münster 2008.
  • Knickenberg, Manfred and Anno von Reth: Structures and development perspectives of the Paderborn regional centre, in: Spieker. Landeskundliche Beiträge und Berichte 35 (1991), pp. 239-276.
  • Köb, Ansgar: The Paderborn university buildings, in: Paderborner Historische Mitteilungen 20 (2007), pp. 46-61.
  • Lohmar, Ulrich: Perspektiven einer regionalen Hochschulpolitik, in: Fragezeichen. Bildungspolitische Zeitschrift 26/27th issue, August 1971, pp. 6-14.
  • Mühlmeyer, Heinz, Rector of Paderborn University of Education under the editorship of Professor Josef Pollmann: Pädagogische Wirk- und Wertwelt. On the occasion of the inauguration of the new building of the Paderborn University of Education, Paderborn 1962.
  • Paderborn Working Group of the German Institute for Education and Knowledge (ed.): Expert opinion on the expansion of study opportunities in Paderborn on behalf of the Paderborn City Council, published as a special issue of the magazine "Fragezeichen", December 1969, with 7 annexes. [Reactions to this report by Ellen Rost, Aloys Schwarze, Josef Köhler, Ulrich Lohmar and Rainer Barzel in: Fragezeichen, 18th issue, February 1970, pp. 34-41].
  • Pädagogische Hochschule Westfalen-Lippe, Abteilung Paderborn (ed.): Festschrift 10 Jahre Theatergruppe der Pädagogischen Hochschule Paderborn, Paderborn 1970.
  • Pahl, Manfred H.: Zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung der Ingenieurausbildung in Paderborn, in: Fachbereiche 10, 14 u. 17 der Paderborn University-Gesamthochschule Paderborn (ed.): 25 Jahre Ingenieurausbildung in Paderborn. Von der Ingenieurschule zu Universität 1963 - 1988. Editorial committee under the coordinating direction of Rolf Rennhack, Paderborn 1988, pp. 17-23.
  • Pelke, Sibilla: Friedrich Buttler: Neigung ins Diesseits, in: Paderborner Profile, Borchen 1998, pp. 91-123.
  • Pöppinghege, Rainer (ed.): 50 Years of Paderborn University. Student research projects on the founding history. A look back, Paderborn 2023
  • Pöppinghege, Rainer: Reform project or reform ruin? The foundation of the North Rhine-Westphalian comprehensive universities: the example of Paderborn, in: Peter E. Fäßler, Daniel Kramps and Rainer Pöppinghege (eds.): Junge Hochschulen. Institutions in the field of tension between tradition, reform demands and pragmatism, Stuttgart 2024, pp. 149-163.
  • President of the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences Claus Schuster (ed.): 50 years of studying in Meschede. 1964-2014. From the state engineering school to the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, Meschede 2014.
  • Rath, Sabine: The cataloguing of the Corvey Princely Library. Paderborn 2003 (From the holdings of the Paderborn University Archives).
  • Rektorat der Universität-Gesamthochschule Paderborn (ed.): Paderborn University Gesamthochschule. Ed. Tibor Szolnoki, Bonn-Bad Godesberg [1992]. Paderborn University Library, 2012: https: //
  • Rectorate of Paderborn University (ed.): Paderborn University. Redaktion Zentralverwaltung, Paderborn [ca. 1983].- Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2015: https: //
  • Riesenberger, Dieter: Founding phase of the Pedagogical Academy in Paderborn, in: Paderborn 1945-1955: Zerstörung und Aufbau. Catalogue of the exhibition in the Paderborn Municipal Gallery from 13.12.1987 to 31.1.1988. Paderborn, 1987, pp. 171-179.
  • Schubert, Dietmar: Sprachverwirrung, in: Fragezeichen. Bildungspolitische Zeitschrift 30th issue, March 1972, pp. 3-5.
  • Seelmann, Kurt: Das Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum für objektivierte Lehr- und Lernverfahren GmbH in Paderborn, in: Fragezeichen, bildungspolitische Zeitschrift, 28th issue, October 1971, pp. 38-42.
  • Staatliche Ingenieurschule Höxter (ed.): 100 Jahre Staatliche Ingenieurschule für Bauwesen Höxter 1864-1964, Höxter 1964.
  • City of Paderborn (ed.): Gesamthochschule Paderborn. Considerations and proposals for structural planning. Edited by Christian Heichert, Paderborn 1971 [abridged version in: Fragezeichen. Bildungspolitische Zeitschrift 30th issue, March 1972, pp. 31-37]. - Digitalised version: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2012:
  • City of Paderborn (ed.): Paderborn as a university city. Memorandum of the City of Paderborn on the choice of location for the East Westphalian University, Paderborn 1964. - Digitalised: Paderborn: Paderborn University Library, 2012:
  • Stroob, Udo: Prussian teacher training in Catholic Westphalia. Das Lehrerinnenseminar in Paderborn 1832-1926, Schernfeld 1992 (Paderborner Historische Forschungen 2).
  • Paderborn Student Union, State Research Centre FEoLL and Paderborn University (ed.): Studieren in Paderborn. On the social and economic situation of students at Paderborn University of Applied Sciences. Editors: Gerhard Ortner and Rudolf Pörtner with the assistance of Franz-Josef Elsing, Gudrun Manthey and Josef Noeke. With a contribution by Prof. Dr. Lothar M. Weeser Krell, Paderborn, Paderborn 1978.
  • Szabó, Anikó: The founding phase of Paderborn University as a comprehensive university. The development up to the opening of the new university buildings in May 1977, in: Kommunalarchiv und Regionalgeschichte. Rolf Dietrich Müller on his 65th birthday. Edited by Andreas Gaidt and Wilhelm Grabe on behalf of the Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens, Abt. Paderborn, Paderborn 2015, pp. 267-282.
  • Szabó, Anikó: Anniversary exhibition on 40 years of the university: "WissensRäume - Bauen für Lehre, Studium und Forschung 1972 bis 2012". With the collaboration of Christian Berg.
  • Szabó, Anikó: Heinz Nixdorf and the Paderborn University. Edited by Wilhelm Schäfer, President of Paderborn University. With the collaboration of Christian Berg and Frauke Döll, 2nd ed., Paderborn 2016. Digital edition at: https: //
  • Ulbricht, Dietmar: Paderborn University of Applied Sciences. An offer in the tertiary education sector, in: Die Warte. Local magazine for the Paderborn and Corvey region 12 (1976), pp. 21-22.
  • Association of Friends of Paderborn University, Soest Department, e. V. (ed.): Technology and Creativity. 25 years of engineering education in Soest. Ed. Jürgen Gruneberg and Angelika Knobloch from the Department of Energy Technology, Soest 1989.
  • Wischinski, Monika: The Higher Training Centre for Practical Farmers in Soest. 1923 - 1934, published by the University Archives of Paderborn University, Paderborn 1997 (Die Vorläuferinstitutionen der Universität-Gesamthochschule Paderborn).
  • Wischinski, Monika: Pädagogische Akademie und Pädagogische Hochschule in Paderborn. 1946 - 1972, published by the University Archives of Paderborn University, Paderborn 1998 (Die Vorläuferinstitutionen der Paderborn University-Gesamthochschule Paderborn).
  • Wolf, J[ohann] A[lfred]: Zur Planung der Gesamthochschule Paderborn, in: Fragezeichen. Bildungspolitische Zeitschrift 30th issue, March 1972, pp. 38-44.
  • Zur Krise an der Gesamthochschule Paderborn, in: Paderborner Studien 1976 (besonderer Teil), Heft 1, pp. 63-120.

2. memor­ies and re­ports from mem­bers of the uni­ver­sity

  • Buttler, Friedrich: 1976-1987, in: Peter Freese (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012, pp. 26-34.
  • Plato, Jürgen: From subordinate authority to autonomous university: New financial opportunities for Paderborn University, in: Freese, Peter (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012, pp. 82-89.
  • Pullig, Karl-Klaus: Erinnerungen eines Normalbürgers in Mitteleuropa vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges bis zum Anfang des neuen Jahrtausends, Borchen 2016.
  • Richard, Hans Albert: 1991-1995, in: Peter Freese (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012, pp. 46-52.
  • Rinkens, Hans-Dieter, 1987-1991, in: Peter Freese (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012, pp. 36-45.
  • Risch, Nikolaus: Since 2003, in: Peter Freese (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012, pp. 68-81.
  • Schneider, Lothar: My life. Memories of a pragmatic idealist, Norderstedt 2012.
  • Stegemeyer, Horst: Die Gründung der Paderborn University als Gesamthochschule, Erinnerungen eines Emeritus zum Aufbau der Chemie in Paderborn, Paderborn 2012. - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2012: https: //
  • Sureth, Caren (ed.): The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Paderborn University. Contemporary witnesses provide insights into the development of their faculty, Detmold 2017.
  • Weber, Wolfgang: 1995-2003, in: Peter Freese (ed.): 40 Jahre Paderborn University, Paderborn 2012, pp. 54-67.
  • Wichert, Hans-Walter: 50 years of engineering education in Paderborn. Memories - preferably of the early years, in: Die Warte. Heimatzeitschrift für die Kreise Paderborn und Höxter 160 (2013), pp. 23-25.
  • In addition to this information, further memories and reports can be found in the commemorative publication published by Peter Freese in 2012: 40 Jahre Paderborn University.

3. of­fi­cial com­mu­nic­a­tions, re­ports and stat­ist­ics

3.1 Official notices

3.2 Rectorate reports

3.3 Student and graduate statistics

4. series and doc­u­ment­ar­ies

4.1 Bulletins and newspapers (chronological order)

4.2 Reports on research and development

5. who's who - pro­fess­ors at the uni­ver­sity

6. staff and course cata­logues

  • Staff and course catalogue for Paderborn University Comprehensive University with departments in Höxter, Meschede and Soest, winter semester 1972/73(1972) - winter semester 1979/80(1979) - Digitalised version: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2012:
  • Staff and course catalogue for the Paderborn University SS 1980 - WS 2002/2003; addition until WS 2001/02: with departments in Höxter, Meschede and Soest. From 2002 Staff and course catalogue for Paderborn University WS 2002/2003 - WS 2006/07. - Digitised: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2012: https: //

7. course cata­logues of the pre­de­cessor in­sti­tu­tions

  • Course catalogue of the Paderborn Pedagogical Academy 1948-1961/62. - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2012:
  • Course catalogue of the Westphalia-Lippe University of Education. Paderborn Department, SS 1962 - WS 1965/66. - Digitalised version: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2012:
  • Course catalogue of the State Engineering School for Mechanical Engineering Paderborn SS 1965-SS 1971 (preserved in the Paderborn University Archive SS 1970-SS 1971).
  • Course catalogue of the University of Applied Sciences Southeast Westphalia, Paderborn Department WS 1971/72. - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2012:
  • Course catalogue of the Southeast Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, Paderborn Department SS 1972 - Digitalised version: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2012: https: //
  • Location research group. Basics for the location and capacity planning of future comprehensive universities in North Rhine-Westphalia. Edited by Eberhard Bergjohann, Clemens Geißler, Heinrich Pohl with Heinrich Hansen, Roland Mutschler and Lothar Tischler, Hanover 1971 (manuscript print no. 31).
  • Asal, Sonja and Stephan Schlak (eds.): What was Bielefeld? Eine ideengeschichtliche Nachfrage, 2nd ed., Göttingen 2015 (Marbacher Schriften N.F. 4).
  • Blömeke, Sigrid: The comprehensive university. A speciality of the North Rhine-Westphalian higher education landscape, in: Gaudeamus. Hochschulland wird 50. an exhibition, published by the Ministry of Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf 1996, pp. 78-97.
  • Blömeke, Sigrid: "... in search of solid ground". Lehrerausbildung in der Provinz Westfalen 1945/46, Professionalisierung versus Bildungsbegrenzung, Münster 1999 (Internationale Hochschulschriften 321). - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2016:
  • Büschenfeld, Jürgen, Bettina Brandt and Andreas Priever (eds.): Interactions: Bielefeld - city with a university or university city?, Bielefeld 2010.
  • Celebi, Timo J.: Die weißen Flecken auf der Hochschulkarte und regionale Neuordnungsversuche durch das nordrhein-westfälische Gesamthochschulkonzept, in: Geschichte und Region 26 (2017), Heft 2, pp. 92-114.
  • Dress, Andreas, Eberhard Firnhaber, Hartmut von Hentig, Dietrich Storbeck (eds.): Die humane Universität Bielefeld 1969-1992. Festschrift für Karl Peter Grotemeyer, Bielefeld 1992.
  • fifty. Between spaces. The University of Siegen in the years 1972 to 2022. Edited by the University of Siegen and the Siegener Zeitung. Edited by Sabine Nitz, Siegen 2022.
  • Law on the Establishment and Development of Comprehensive Universities in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Comprehensive University Development Act - GHEG) of 30 May 1972. In: Law and Ordinance Gazette for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Volume 1972, No. 25, Düsseldorf 12 July 1972, pp. 134-141. Electronic publication edited by Dietmar Haubfleisch, Paderborn: University Library.
    - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2012:
  • Geißler, Clemens and Dietrich Storbeck: Determining the location of a university. Expertise on the location of a university in East Westphalia. With contributions by Eberhard von Medem, Clemens Geißler, Dietrich Storbeck, Helmut Schelsky and Horst Linde. Appendix: Map of the migration destinations of students living in East Westphalia-Lippe, Münster 1967 (Materialien zur Raumplanung 1).
  • Küchenhoff, Dietrich: X or Y. The comprehensive universities, in: Ulrich Kleiner (ed.): Verwalten ist Gestalten. Festschrift für Armin Danco zum Ausscheiden aus dem aktiven Dienst, Düsseldorf 1990, pp. 40-46.
  • State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): North Rhine-Westphalia Programme 1975, Düsseldorf 1970 - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2012:
  • State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): North Rhine-Westphalia Programme 1975 - Mid-term report, Düsseldorf 1973 - Digital copy: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2013:
  • Löning, Martin: "Bielefeld receives the university." An account of the location decision for the East Westphalian university from Bielefeld's perspective, in: 85th Annual Report for the County of Ravensberg, Bielefeld 1999, pp. 263-302.
  • Löning, Martin: How do you found universities? Helmut Schelsky's concept and the successful start of Bielefeld University. Documentation of an exhibition of the Bielefeld University Archive, Bielefeld 2011.
  • Lundgreen, Peter (ed.): Reformuniversität Bielefeld 1969 - 1994. Between defence and innovation, Bielefeld 1994.
  • Mälzer, Moritz: In search of the new university. Die Entstehung der "Reformuniversitäten" Konstanz und Bielefeld in den 1960er Jahren, Göttingen 2016 (Bürgertum Neue Folge 13).
  • Minister of Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): 10 Jahre Gesamthochschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf 1982.
  • Minister for Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Fünf Jahre Gesamthochschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Review of the founding phase, Düsseldorf 1977.
  • Minister for Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Theses on the planning and establishment of comprehensive universities. Statements. Ratingen/Wuppertal, Düsseldorf 1971 - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2012:
  • Minister for Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Gesamthochschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Materialien zu Aufbau, Entwicklung und Funktion, Düsseldorf
    1st edition: 1974: - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2019:
    2nd edition: 1975: - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2019:
    3rd edition: 1976: - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2020:
    4th edition 1977: - Digitalised: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2020:
    5th edition 1978: - Digitalised: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2020:
    6th revised edition 1979: - Digitalised: Paderborn : Paderborn University Library, 2019:
  • Ministry of Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Hochschulpolitik in Nordrhein-Westfalen. On the foundation of five new comprehensive universities, Wuppertal 1972.
  • Otten, Heinrich: Architecture before and around 1980 in Paderborn. The architecture of the 20th century in Paderborn (Part 8), in: Die Warte. Local history magazine for the districts of Paderborn and Höxter 180 (2018), pp. 35-39.
  • Press and Information Office of the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Gesamthochschule. Offer and challenge. Excerpts from speeches given on the occasion of the opening of the comprehensive universities in Essen, Siegen, Wuppertal, Paderborn and Duisburg, Bonn-Bad Godesberg 1972.
  • Raupach, Hubert and Bruno W. Reimann: Hochschulreform durch Neugründungen? Zu Struktur und Wandel der Universitäten Bochum, Regensburg, Bielefeld, Bonn-Bad Godesberg 1974 (Series of publications of the Research Institute of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 102).
  • Rimbach, Gerhard: From reform model to modern university. 20 Jahre Gesamthochschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf 1992 - Digitalisat: Paderborn : Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2012:
  • Scheven, Dieter: Die Entstehung des Wissenschaftsministeriums; in: 40 Jahre Hochschulbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen. A retrospective 1946-1986, in: Ulrich Kleiner (ed.): Verwalten ist Gestalten. Festschrift für Armin Danco zum Ausscheiden aus dem aktiven Dienst, Düsseldorf 1990, pp. 15-31.
  • Stallmann, Hans: Euphoric years. Foundation and development of the Ruhr University Bochum. Bochum, Univ., Diss. 2003, Essen 2004 (Düsseldorfer Schriften zur neueren Landesgeschichte und zur Geschichte Nordrhein-Westfalens 68).
  • Stierand, Rainer: University Foundations in North Rhine-Westphalia. Process analysis of "real" state planning. Dortmund 1983 (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Raumplanung 36).
  • Studberg, Joachim: The "Law of Small Numbers": Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rainer Gruetner (1918-1993) and his understanding of the comprehensive university, in: Matei Chihaia and Georg Eckert (eds.): Kolossale Miniaturen. Festschrift for Gerrit Walther, Münster 2019, 147-158.
  • Dortmund University of Technology: 50 Years of Dortmund University of Technology, Dortmund 2017.
  • University of Siegen (ed.): The foundation and the founders. A review of the beginnings of the University of Siegen 1972-1980, Siegen 2012.
  • Wadischat, Eberhard: Die Hochschulpolitik des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in den Jahren von 1948 bis 1968, Düsseldorf: Diss. 1993.
  • The buildings of the teacher training colleges in the Federal Republic of Germany. Bearb. von Fritz Schirner, Stuttgart 1960 (Monographies of the Building Industry 21).
  • Dirksmeier, Bernhard: Aus der Grundlagenplanung für das Aktionsprogramm Hochschulbau 1975/80, in: Finanzminister des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (ed.): Staatsbau NW. State Building in North Rhine-Westphalia, Munich 1974, pp. 42-51.
  • Minister of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Staatsbau NW. State Building in North Rhine-Westphalia, Munich 1974.
  • Minister of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and State Building Authority II Münster (ed.): Aktionsprogramm Hochschulbau 1975-1980 Nordrhein-Westfalen, Münster 1972.
  • Czempiel, Bartosz Józef: University interspaces. A contribution to the quantification and visualisation of structural-spatial synergy and adaptation potentials of university interspaces using the example of North Rhine-Westphalian campus universities of the 1970s. Doctoral dissertation University of Siegen, Siegen 2021.
  • Flagge, Ingeborg on behalf of the Minister for State and Urban Development of North Rhine-Westphalia, Housing and Transport (ed.): Architektur des Staates. A critical review of state building in North Rhine-Westphalia from 1946 to the present day. Kleve 1986, with the supplement entitled: Staatliche Hochbauten in Nordrhein-Westfalen von 1946 - 1984.
  • Hallauer, Fridolin: 40 years of university construction in North Rhine-Westphalia. A retrospective 1946-1986, in: Ulrich Kleiner (ed.): Verwalten ist Gestalten. Festschrift für Armin Danco zum Ausscheiden aus dem aktiven Dienst, Düsseldorf 1990, pp. 132-170.
  • Hallauer, Fridolin: Price breakers or architectural monuments? The building administration under the pressure of deadlines and capacities, in: Minister of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (ed.): Staatsbau NW. State Building in North Rhine-Westphalia, Munich 1974, pp. 8-19.
  • Halstenberg, Friedrich: Die Gesamthochschulen als Bauaufgabe, in: Fünf Jahre Gesamthochschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Bilanz der Gründungsphase, Düsseldorf 1977, pp. 18-19.
  • Halstenberg, Friedrich: Welche Vorstellungen hat die Bauverwaltung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen von der Industrialisierung des Bauens, in: Industrialisierung in der Bauwirtschaft. Conference of the Wirtschaftsvereinigung Bauindustrie e. V. NRW on 17 March 1972 in Duisburg, Düsseldorf 1972, pp. 20-55.
  • Hnilica, Sonja: The belief in the great in the architecture of modernism. Large-scale structures of the 1960s and 1970s, Zurich 2018.
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